Panic Attacks Vs. Anxiety Attacks
I have struggled with Panic Attacks and Anxiety Attacks for most of my life, I have to say getting to know them has been a huge a battle but I have come out on top. I know myself better every time I have a panic attack or anxiety attack, so I have started to see them as a positive.
If you would like to know the differences between the two and how you can better manage them. Keep reading and why not watch my YouTube video that explains them in a bit more detail.
These are few things I have experienced when having a panic attack: -
Rapid Heart Rate
Shortness of breath and unable to take a full deep breath
Feeling like I'm dying and believing it for a moment or two
There isn't necessarily a trigger or warning (there can be, and traumatic incidences can trigger them, but mostly there isn't a trigger)
Seem to come on instantly and irrationally
For me, they typically last for a few minutes nowadays, however has lasted hours and even a full day, but they generally don't last any longer than this.
These are a few things that I have experienced when having an Anxiety Attack: -
Rapid heart rate (the same as a panic attack)
Shortness of breath (again the same as a panic attack)
Muscle Tension & struggling to relax
Feeling irritable and constantly feeling drained
Sleep disturbances (sleeping too much, too little, not at all, waking in the night and struggling to drift back off)
Come on over time (not instantly like a panic attack)
Lasts for days, weeks or months, depending on if it is managed or not
Here's some helpful tips that I have picked up on my adventures, that help me manage my Panic Attacks and Anxiety Attacks: -
Take yourself somewhere quiet, where you can be alone.
Sit down and get comfy.
Take your sweet time with this whole process (GIVE yourself the time!)
Close your eyes.
Imagine a forest, (build a picture) Fill in all of the details in the image, the wind blowing through the trees, Is it autumn? are the leaves falling as they are blown? What colours can you see? Is there any animals? Build the picture
Keep breathing normally and keep focussing on the image you are building.
You will find your heart rate has come down slightly and you may feel more in control of how you are feeling. The Panic/anxiety should have subsided and you will be back in your rational mind ready to move forward.