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The Future is Bright!

Hi Guys,

I have been on a bit of a whirlwind journey the last couple of years, as I am sure everyone else has too. My whirlwind journey unfortunately saw me lose motivation on the blogging front, but it has given me a fresh perspective and made me rethink my blog and the direction I want to take it in.

Most people who know me will describe me as the chatty, loud one, I have been called Little Miss Chatterbox on too many occasions, and I have always known that I love to talk, there is no way I could possibly deny it - my mum says I could talk for England, so I figure why not use this to help me and my blog?

I am extremely passionate about Mental Health and Self-Care, and I want to deliver my insights and experiences to you, my beloved followers, in a way that isn't going to be hard work for you to concentrate. Because lets face it, when you're down and can't be bothered with life, reading a long arse post from little old me, could be quite difficult to concentrate on and I don't want you guys to feel that way. I struggle to sit and read for long periods of time and so I don't want you all to have to sit and torture yourself to get to the end of my posts, so here is the bombshell!...

...Drum roll please...

...I am starting a VLOG! Yes! Talking to a camera and hoping that I can deliver my messages to you in a way that you don't need to actively concentrate on words in front of you and you can just listen. I have started recording and all is going well so far, in fact it has given me an even bigger BUZZ than I had for my blog, which is something I am holding on to tightly!

Much like reading, I also struggle to sit and type for long periods of time and I get really fidgety, so I feel this is definitely the right move for me to take for the future, as there is more creative things I can break my time up with and I get to do my favourite thing... Talk! XD

I am recording videos currently to get a stock pile to post in the future, as I am working full time, I am trying to manage my vlog so that I will always have something to post every 2 weeks, and having the stock pile will help me to keep sending content your way.

I have just got back from a beautiful little weekend away in Dorset and I am feeling pumped and ready to get more content recorded for you guys. I hope to post my first video real soon, so keep an eye out.

I have recorded 3 videos so far: -

  • Healthy and Unhealthy Distractions

  • 10 Facts About Me

  • My HPV Journey

My next recordings will be covering: -

  • How to Find Your Core Values

  • Why Making Decisions is Such a Hard Task

  • Coping Mechanisms for Anxiety

These are just 6 of the many hundreds of topics I have lined up and will be covering in my videos so make sure you subscribe to my YouTube Channel once it goes live and hit the follow button on my Facebook page and Instagram to keep up to date with my latest videos.

If you guys have any suggestions of topics you would like me to cover please get in touch! I hope that we can build a community of likeminded people here and share our experiences to help remove that horrible stigma that surrounds mental health. We are warriors of our own minds, lets build our Army!

I hope you guys enjoy the hottest day of the year and make sure you keep yourself cool and hydrated. And I will be back with you real soon with my first vlog post! Watch this space people!

Peace & Love



Hi, thanks for stopping by!

I'm Jaimie-Leigh and this is Jaimie's Mad Mind! If you want to know more about my journey and why I started this blog/vlog click below...

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